NFT Owner Contains the user NFTs unlisted and on the market

Owner of the NFTs

# Owner Count Listed for sale Not listed

Listed on market

# Name Rank Rarity Price (cro) Start at End time
VVS Miner Mole #6289 5613 common 508.00 2024-12-22 12:50:03 2025-01-22 06:59:59

On Contract

# Name GivenName Rarity IsEnlisted TotalExp IsStaked Tier Boost HasFedToday Health IsLocked
VVS Miner Mole #6289 #6289 common 0 220 0 1 0.085 0 61 0

Timeline Buy/Sell: 0x0b3062594159331dcf4dcf9fbcbafda52ecc5e34

2023-02-20 05:28:43
  VVS Miner Mole #6289 - Common - 5613
1,890.00 150.95 141.25
VVS Miner Mole #6289
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