NFT Owner Contains the user NFTs unlisted and on the market

Owner of the NFTs

# Owner Count Listed for sale Not listed

On Contract

# Name GivenName Rarity IsEnlisted TotalExp IsStaked Tier Boost HasFedToday Health IsLocked
VVS Miner Mole #1075 #1075 rare 1 182 1 2 0.12 0 0 0
VVS Miner Mole #932 #932 common 1 182 1 1 0.085 0 0 0
VVS Miner Mole #3808 #3808 common 1 182 1 1 0.085 0 0 0

Timeline Buy/Sell: 0x56652b5770d6dd9e37e82031c4f634aaab32ac6d

2022-11-23 22:32:18
  VVS Miner Mole #1075 - Rare - 1330
9,100.00 618.26 593.63
VVS Miner Mole #1075
2022-11-23 15:17:29
  VVS Miner Mole #932 - Common - 5555
4,400.00 285.94 277.41
VVS Miner Mole #932
2022-11-23 15:16:15
  VVS Miner Mole #3808 - Common - 8287
4,167.00 270.80 262.72
VVS Miner Mole #3808
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