NFT Owner Contains the user NFTs unlisted and on the market

Owner of the NFTs

# Owner Count Listed for sale Not listed

Unlisted NFTs

# Name Rank Rarity Price (cro) Start at End time
VVS Miner Mole #1886 2226 special 0.00 1999-12-31 22:00:00 1999-12-31 22:00:00
VVS Miner Mole #1884 5909 common 0.00 1999-12-31 22:00:00 1999-12-31 22:00:00

On Contract

# Name GivenName Rarity IsEnlisted TotalExp IsStaked Tier Boost HasFedToday Health IsLocked
VVS Miner Mole #1884 #1884 common 0 126 0 1 0.085 0 0 0
VVS Miner Mole #1886 #1886 special 0 126 0 2 0.085 0 0 0

Timeline Buy/Sell: 0xbdf1ddd66f3bce7c914f8c2b382f3f081ea3144f

2022-12-26 14:41:39
  VVS Miner Mole #1885 - Common - 7104
3,900.00 233.55 220.01
VVS Miner Mole #1885
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